Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc

Prophet Noble Drew Ali, founder 1913 AD

Moorish American Items

Uplifting fallen Humanity by Learning to Love instead of hate.

Please visit the official website 

Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc

On Face Book


Temple News

January 8th Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali birthday

February Temple #77, Washington DC "Moorish Costume Ball"

March Temple #21,Brooklyn NY "Annual Elders Day Celebration"

Temple #28, Glassboro, NJ "Tag Day Celebration"

July  Authority Day

August Temple #28, Glassboro, NJ Picnic

Please Read 

New York Temples

Friday Holy Day Service 7:30-10:00 PM

Sunday Koran Class       2:00-4:00 PM

Temple #21 On Facebook

 349 Bainbridge St. @ Ralph Ave, Brooklyn 11233  phone/fax (718) 452-1015 on Facebook

Temple #34  On Facebook                                                                                                                        

237-39 Hancock St, Brooklyn  11216 (646) 372-7079 

Temple #54

Bronx (646)